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TCM JET WASH DRIVES: PRESSURE WASHING DRIVEWAY CLEANING NOVEMBER 11th 2023. We had a block paved driveway, a pathway and steps to pressure wash and re-sand and also a concrete circle that needed cleaning and re-jointing in Wellingborough, Northants.

Concrete circle | Pressure Washing | TCM Jet Wash Drives
Concrete circle | Pressure Washing |

Driveway Cleaning | Pressure Washing | TCM Jet Wash Drives
Driveway Cleaning | Pressure Washing | TCM Jet Wash Drives

Driveway Cleaning 1 | Pressure Washing | TCM Jet Wash Drives
Driveway Cleaning 1 | Pressure Washing | TCM Jet Wash Drives

Driveway Cleaning 3  | Pressure Washing | TCM Jet Wash Drives
Driveway Cleaning 3 | Pressure Washing | TCM Jet Wash Drives

We first set about cleaning the driveway, path and steps with our Surface cleaner pro and then cleaned the concrete circle so we wouldn't be working back on ourselves. Once the circle was clean and re-jointed, we then went back to the steps, path and driveway to pressure wash again, this time using our turbo nozzle. Once we had cleaned the areas mentioned and used weed killer between the block joints and whilst waiting for them to dry we clean all doors, windows, fences etc that were splashed during the clean. When the blocks were dry we then brush kiln dried sand into the joints.

TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning Before, During and After
TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning

TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning Before and After
TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning

TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning Cleaning your driveway one step at a time
TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning

TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning | Concrete Circle Cleaning and re-jointing
TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning

You can view the video of TCM Jet Wash Drives | Pressure Washing Driveway Cleaning in Wellingborough, Northants below.


TCM Jet Wash Drives: Pressure Washing Driveway and patio Cleaning

Phone: 07513 121702

©2018 by TCM Jet Wash Drives. 

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